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анализ художественного текста по Eleanor Farjeon "Anthony in the Blue Alsatia"

анализ художественного текста по Eleanor Farjeon "Anthony in the Blue Alsatia"

Eleanor Farjeon (13 February 1881 – 5 June 1965) was an English author of children's stories and plays, poetry, biography, history and satire. Many of her works had charming illustrations by Edward Ardizzone. Some of her correspondence has also been published. She won many literary awards and the prestigious Eleanor Farjeon Award for children's literature is presented annually in her memory by the Children's Book Circle, a society of publishers.

The daughter of a British novelist and granddaughter of a U.S. actor, Eleanor Farjeon grew up in the bohemian literary and dramatic circles of London. Attending opera and theatre at 4 and writing on her father’s typewriter at 7, Farjeon came to public attention at 16 as the librettist of an opera, with music by her brother Harry.

After World War I Eleanor earned a living as a poet, journalist and broadcaster. Often published under a pseudonym, Eleanor's poems appeared in The Herald (Tomfool), Punch,Time and Tide (Chimaera), The New Leader (Merry Andrew), Reynolds News(Tomfool), and a number of other periodicals. Her topical work for The Herald, Reynolds News and New Leader was the perhaps the most accomplished of any socialist poet of the 1920s and 30s.

Eleanor never married, but had a thirty-year friendship with George Earle, an English teacher. After his death in 1949, she had a long friendship with the actor Denys Blakelock, who wrote of it in the book, Eleanor, Portrait of a Farjeon (1966).

During the 1950s she was awarded three major literary prizes: The Carnegie Medal of the Library Association, The Hans Christian Andersen Award and the Regina Medal of the American Catholic Library Association.

The Children's Book Circle, a society of publishers, present the Eleanor Farjeon Awardannually in her memory.

Her work is cited as an influence by famous Japanese animator Hayao Miyazaki.

The plot centers round the imaginary trip of a boy, Anthony, to Alsatia. It is understood that the main character is a small boy as he doesn’t interest world’s activities, he is greatly attached to nature and perseives it so sharply and his imaginary trip is characterized with the help of childish way of thinking.

Showing that a boy has rich imagination and opposing him to the passengers the author creates a dream-like atmosphere and shows that the passengers have more primitive emotions. So, the author’s message in this story is that everybody can find something beautiful around him wherever he is. And it depends upon a person to dream or not.

This text is about a little boy Anthony with a very rich imagination and a romantic nature who once reading the morning newspaper realized himself as one of the passengers of the train he reads about. This story is an Anthony’s dream and he splendidly and incredibly accurate describes everything that happens to him, the mystery which will never be solved connected with a quite little man, who left the train and disappeared in the wood, the passengers form the train and beautiful fields outside. His trip to The Blue Alsatia finishes very suddenly when a young girl he meets says, "Stay”. And the Blue Alsatian Express went on without him.

There are four parts in this text: the exposition is the beginning of the story, the plot development is in a dream of Anthony, the climax is when a little man left the train, and the denouma.

The main character here is Anthony. He is an acute and shrewd boy who is able to distinguish between necessary and not meaningful information for him. This is understood through the case of simile: they slipped as through gauze. In order to underline that the boy has a great power of imagination and that he is impressed by the breakdown the author resorts to a long sentence with parallel constructions: "it described the blue smoke rising from the heated axle, the engine-driver sprinting along the lines like madman, soldiers… ". Besides, the boy has a very romantic nature. The author describes him indirectly. Also, there are other characters in the story, they are: a nervous lady, a fat millionaire and his wife who was very hungry. They were concerned with business, were lack of time and were too busy to look out of the window and take pleasure of nature outside. So, we can see a contrast between the world of real life in which the passengers live and the world of imagination where lives Anthony.

At the beginning the story is a third person narration, interrupted by dialogues but then in order to make a deep emotional appeal the author applies for stream of consciousness. There are interior monologues, for example: "Oh, no,…of course not!”. Constant moving of nature carried the rhythm of the story. There are a lot of stylistic devices in the text, such as extended metaphor which helps the author to describe boy’s imagination and his specific order of mind. For example: "He felt that the gauze, which could not contain the torrents of world’s activities, might house this butterfly and not brush off its bloom”. A special device in this text is framing because we can see a story in a story here and framing is used to express that a story is imaginary. The author applies inversion to intensify the atmosphere of mystery. For example: "To whom has it not happened, time and again, on his way to the Seaside, the Moors, or the Highlands, to cry in his heart, at some glimpse of Paradise from
the carriage windows: " That is where I really wanted to go — thatis where I would like to get out!”.The author uses also repetitions, for example, word "Heavens” repeated several times or "That is where…”.Rhetorical questions are also used to make the readers believe to Anthony, for example: "Never?” Inner monologue here opens the inner world to the readers. Exclamatory sentences assist to a rhythmic effect. The sounds of the laugh such as: "Ha-ha-ah! Ha-ha-ha!” imitate the sound of the train and make the story more realistic.

The general tone of the story is rather sentimental because of amount of descriptions of nature. The author reaches the ironic effect by phrases of the passengers. The humorous note to the story adds the question "What happened to him?” when the man left the train.

In conclusion, not everybody can dream as Anthony does it depends on a personality. But I guess the author wanted to say that it is not so bad to dream now and then.

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